Download the Email Permutator we are using here at QuickMail: Spreadsheet

Finding email addresses for prospects is a crucial task for every marketer. By sending emails, companies can opt for a more direct and personal approach. While this is a task easier said than done, an email permutator – a tool that helps people find email addresses – can prove helpful.

And if you think that email is dead, let us stop you right there.

There are around 3.9 billion active email users, with the average person checking their inbox 15 times a day. So there are plenty of opportunities for you to engage with the recipient – provided you send an excellent cold email that strikes a chord with them.

But can there be an email marketing campaign without the email addresses of prospects? Exactly.

Read on as we discuss how you can use email permutation for a successful cold outreach strategy, along with techniques to help you streamline your lead generation process.

What Is an Email Permutator, and How Does It Help Your Cold Email Outreach Strategy?

Permutation is a mathematical concept referring to the process of arranging the elements of any set into a logical sequence. Order is very crucial here, which is why every element is arranged in a definite order.

Permutation for emails generates similar addresses so you have a better shot at reaching potential customers.

An email permutator is a tool that helps marketers and salespeople find the email addresses of prospects. It refined the functionality of Rob Ousbey’s permutator Google sheet that was posted on the Distilled blog.

Let’s look at an example.

Imagine you want to reach out to a prospect called Theodore Myers whose domain name is You can, of course, use the common too.

When you feed this information into the tool, it’ll permutate to give you all possible combinations of the email. Some of this can include:






…you get the point.

People aren’t very particular about how their email addresses look as long as they sound professional and base them on a combination of variables like the first and last name, middle name, nickname, initials, or even birthdate.

You could make a list of these potential email addresses manually, but with permutation, the whole thing is automated. #TimeSaved

How Can You Use an Email Permutator To Enhance Your Cold Email Outreach?

An email permutator helps you find all potential email pattern options a prospect might have.

All you need is to put in your prospect’s full name (or nickname) and the URL of the company’s website. The tool will then use this information to give you a huge list of common email combinations.

But we’d strongly advise you against sending a cold email to every single option. There can be two possible outcomes – both negative – if you do this:

  • If the prospect has a catch-all email address, they‘ll end up receiving every email you sent and realize you were just taking your shot to score their contact information.

  • Sending emails to every address may result in a dangerously high percentage of your emails bouncing.

When used correctly, this tool can increase the chances of you locking in a lead. When you copy-paste the potential email addresses from the permutator, look for the Gmail account that has a profile image, which is something that Google automates for you.

Or, you’ll see a blank profile, in which case the Google account doesn’t exist. Using valid email addresses is also a must, and the best way to get valid addresses is to use an email verification tool.

Best Ways To Streamline Your B2B Lead Generation

Deciding on the right lead generation strategy can make a lot of difference for maximizing B2B sales.

It’s also a very comprehensive process, which is why you should streamline lead gen to boost effectiveness and reduce the total amount of time invested. Here are a few ways to do this:

Target the Right Customers

You have to know your target customers and know them really well.

We’re talking detailed knowledge about their likes and dislikes, wants, and pain points.

Additionally, you should group your target customers, also known as prospect segmentation, according to predefined criteria. This can include age, job title, industry, pain points, and so on to promote effective engagement. You see, all this information will help you draft highly personalized emails, making the recipient see the effort you’ve taken.

You can create as many groups as you want to segment your prospects on QuickMail. For instance, you can have a group for leads found through social media and another for those who contacted you by searching on search engines like Chrome.

Obtaining and Arranging the Right Data

You can’t have a successful lead generation process if you have incorrect customer data. You should obtain accurate and detailed data about your prospective as well as current customers, especially if you want to stay ahead in the competition.

Start by identifying information gaps, and then customize the lead capture forms accordingly. This will help you get all the information, such as the person’s name, phone number, social profile, and so on.

You can then arrange the collected data on a Google doc or spreadsheet to keep everything properly organized.

QuickMail allows you to automate any Google spreadsheet-related tasks which can be helpful to streamline data management. Properly organized data also facilitates better strategizing and decision-making since you’ll have everything you need in front of you.

Opt for Automated Cold Email Campaigns

83% of B2B marketers use email as a part of their content marketing strategy. So you can only imagine how many emails an average person might receive.

In addition to applying cold email best practices, you’ll have to customize your approach to stand out from the crowd. QuickMail allows you to personalize email automation and follow-ups, reducing email blunders and ensuring you have a clear sales pipeline always.

Best Google Chrome Extensions To Simplify Lead Generation

Many browser extensions can be incredibly helpful for effective lead generation and online marketing. While email permutators are super useful, you’ll still need the full name, company name, and other related information of prospects to increase your chances of getting the right email – something that extensions can help with.

Below, we’ve compiled a list of some of the best extensions you can use to enhance your sales efforts:

  • Link Builder: This extension is great for Twitter users being a list-building app for the social network. It’s also great for building lead lists.

  • MOZ Chrome Bar: This extension will help you find out your competition’s SEO or even spy on them.

  • Rapportive Plugin: This extension allows you to view LinkedIn profiles in your Gmail account to help you understand your leads better.

  • Linkminer: This extension is a broken link checker as well as a link finder.

  • Grammarly: This extension will check your grammar and spelling to minimize any embarrassing email copy errors.

  • LinkedIn Sales Navigator: This extension facilitates information clipping from the platform, giving you quality recommendations based on your search requirements and preferences.

There is no harm in simplifying your work — installing these Chrome extensions and plugins can make list building easier and enhance your marketing efforts.

Email Permutators Can Unlock Several Leads

Your prospect’s email address is the very foundation of your marketing and cold outreach campaigns. The availability of Chrome extensions and innovative tools helps automate processes that would otherwise have been time-consuming.

Once you get the email address you need, you can then work on sending sales emails to land more deals. Start by signing up for QuickMail’s free trial to improve the productivity of your campaigns and personalize called emails.